

Thursday, September 19, 2013

To be or Not to be

To apply or not to apply? That is the question-
Whether it’s easier to decide impulsively
On a college that may not be for me
Or to choose them definitely and decide quite carefully
And find myself more lost in the college search?
To read up on, to research -
No more - and by giving up I end this process
The confusion and stress
It’s an abomination! But a necessary evil at best.
Financial Aid gives us pause. There’s the tours that
Take weekends out of our long life!
Pangs of someday missing family and friends, attack
The heart like whips and oppress the mind.
One grunts and sweats through high school,
Barely getting by and must consider higher education?
Fie, I tell you, Fie!
This process does make cowards of us all,
But still there is the end result, the resolution,
We will find out ways with thought and reason.
Our enterprising minds will go free into this new world and
These trying months will be but a blip on our life’s radar
And with the choice the currents pull us away,
From home and life here
To a new world and a new life of action.

1 comment:

  1. This is so good Maddie! The subject of this debate is obviously extremely relevant to our lives right now. I especially enjoy the first part of the debate, when you ask yourself if it is better to apply impulsively or to put deep consideration into every application. Your reasoning behind this consideration is also strong, because I also find that the more I research a college, the more confused I get. This leaves me wondering if I just should apply to any college because they have my major. There are definitely some times when the college process seems hopeless and never-ending, which is a point that you make in your debate. Going through this process can also be hard knowing that I won't see my family and friends as much, but in the end, I realize that it will be worth it. I agree with you that college will be an opportunity to expand our horizons, learn new things, and be exposed to a new world. Therefore, I think that we should apply!
